Archive for 2017

The Most Common Types of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting has become so common, most patients have encountered the term at least once before entering our office. But delving deeper into some of the additional types of bone grafting will give you a better appreciation of this amazing procedure. What is Bone Grafting? Bone grafting is the process of using natural or synthetic […]

When Should You Consider Dental Implants?

You may have heard in the past that dental implants are one of the most effective ways to replace missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants are a great option for a lot of different situations, but when is getting a dental implant the best option for you? There are a few circumstances where receiving an […]

Advantages of Invisalign

Many of us think that invisible braces, such as Invisalign, are only used to enhance the aesthetic value of a person’s smile. To a certain extent, that is true. Typically the goal of having braces is to straighten one’s teeth and improve his or her smile. However, did you know that there are actually health […]

Better Breakfast for a Better Smile

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. It kick starts your body and provides you with enough energy to make it through your hectic morning as well as keep your mind focused on the task at hand. Eating a balanced breakfast is not only good for you body, but also good for […]

Are You At Risk For Oropharyngeal Cancer?

Early diagnosis can be a key component to giving you a fighting chance against the various types of head and neck cancer. There are many physical symptoms to look for when recognizing the signs of oral cancer aside from more commonly known warning signs such as a lump in the throat, mouth sores, and swelling […]

New Trends In Dental Implants

A trending topic right now seems to be the decision to opt for “mini-dental implants” instead of more traditional ones. Below we are going to take a look inside the trend, and lay out some of the benefits and drawbacks so that you can get a better understanding of this exciting trend in dentistry. Benefits […]

How to Make Your Own Ice Cream

As you may or may not know, July is officially National Ice Cream Month! While it is fun to go and grab ice cream from your local shop down the street, it can be more fun and rewarding to make your own ice cream for you and your family to enjoy. Ice cream is also […]

Where do Dental Implants come from?

Dental implants have a surprisingly rich and interesting history. Across centuries and throughout cultures around the world there is evidence of attempts at replacing missing teeth with various objects and materials. The oldest dental implants can be traced back to 2000 BC in China, where missing teeth were substituted with bamboo pegs. Fast forward a […]

What is Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin?

Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin (APRF) is a new advanced technology that helps heal wounds anywhere in the body, including those involved in oral surgery, using the patient’s own blood. Unlike Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), it has no additives. In addition to that, APRF is very rich in platelets, leukocyte cells (growth factor cells) and contains […]

April Brings Oral Cancer Into Focus

Author: Brian Donahue  The word “cancer” is one of the scariest nouns in the English language, and one of the most dreadful diagnoses to give or receive. The month of April has been dedicated as Oral Cancer Awareness Month to help patients and doctors alike learn more about oral cancer, to identify it, and to […]