Herald Square Dental

The Missing Piece for Women Over 40: Why Oral Health Matters Now More Than Ever

As women over 40 commit themselves to healthier lifestyles with fitness routines, balanced nutrition, and self-care regimens, one vital piece of the wellness puzzle often gets overlooked—oral health. Hormonal changes during this stage of life can significantly impact oral health, potentially undermining your overall well-being. Let’s explore why prioritizing oral care is critical and how […]

Flipper Teeth: What They Are and Can You Eat with Them?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there are several options available to help restore both function and appearance. One of the more common and affordable solutions is flipper teeth, but you may be wondering: can you eat with flipper teeth? In this blog, we’ll discuss what flipper teeth are, how they work, and what […]

2024 End-Of-Year Benefits Reminder

Hold on, don’t let your end-of-year benefits go to waste! Fall is upon us again and as we progress towards the end of the year, we would like to remind you to take advantage of any dental insurance benefits or Flexible Spending benefits that you may have left before they expire! Your dental health is […]

Why Young Adults Should Not Wait to Replace Missing Teeth

Missing teeth not only alter your appearance but can also significantly affect your self-esteem, especially if you’re a young adult. A complete set of teeth can boost your confidence, allowing you to face the world with self-assurance. However, the reasons to replace missing teeth go beyond just appearances. The Risks of Waiting Even a single […]

How Tooth Decay Puts Your Health at Risk

Taking good care of your teeth is essential to preventing tooth decay. While the most apparent effect of tooth decay is usually a cavity or the pain of a toothache, tooth decay can cause other problems throughout your body. Tooth decay and gum disease often occur together. The bacteria that attack teeth’ enamel also attack […]

Are Fluoride Treatments Necessary for Adults?

Are Fluoride Treatments Necessary for Adults? There is a lot of discussion around the use of fluoride to protect and strengthen the teeth, but many people aren’t sure whether supplemental fluoride is needed. It can be confusing, particularly for adults. The amount of fluoride you receive in drinking water and other sources varies widely depending […]

Are Upper Denture Implants Better Than Traditional Dentures?

Patients who are missing all or most of their upper teeth should consider upper implant dentures instead of a standard complete or full upper denture. While traditional or standard custom dentures are a valid solution, implants in the upper jaw to support permanent dentures offer distinct advantages. However, there is no single solution that is […]

Lower Implant Dentures Can Solve Your Denture Problems

Losing your teeth, particularly in your lower jaw, forces you to evaluate your options. How are you going to replace your teeth? Will the solution be comfortable? The two most popular options are either a traditional denture that fits over the gums or lower implant dentures, which are permanently attached by fastening onto titanium implants […]