Herald Square Dental
Invisalign Day 2023: Only 5 Spots Remaining!
Don’t miss out, there are only 5 spots remaining! Our upcoming Invisalign Day Special Event is on Saturday, August 12, 2023 only: $1,000 Off Invisalign Treatment and entry to a raffle for a Samsung 50-inch 4K TV! Contact our office for information.
Get Back to School in Style
Looking good contributes to feeling good, and if you’re in school, you know how important your appearance can be. Summer is the ideal time for students to focus on their oral health and ways to improve their smile. Read on to learn how we can help you achieve a healthy smile that looks good!
Invisalign® Day Reminder: August 12, 2012
Don’t miss out! Our upcoming Invisalign Day Special Event is on Saturday, August 12, 2023 only: $1,000 Off Invisalign Treatment and entry to a raffle for a Samsung 50-inch 4K TV! Contact our office for information.
Invisalign® Day: August 12, 2023
Contact our office to learn about our upcoming Invisalign Day Special Event. On Saturday, August 12, 2023 only: $1,000 Off Invisalign Treatment and entry to a raffle for a Samsung 50-inch 4K TV!
Gingivitis & How to Prevent It
Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease caused by plaque that leads to inflammation of the gums, bleeding, and gum recession. If left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis, a serious form of gum disease that can lead to an array of health problems, including infection and tooth loss. Preventing Gum Disease Good oral […]
Smile Today with Same-Day Dentures!
Same-Day Teeth In NYC I’m just now literally biting the bullet (roasted peanuts) and only bit my lip once! So I think all will be well— this is not – at 80- my first bite! Thanks for your great care and expertise. The entire staff was wonderful. Goes without saying that with 40+ years of […]
Raising Oral Cancer Awareness 2023
We have prepared the following videos to raise awareness of oral cancer this year. Please take a short moment to learn more about this important topic, and how early detection can save lives. Early Detection & Treatment Of Oral Cancer Can Save Lives Contact our office to schedule your oral cancer examination today. Ready to […]
Creative Financing Options for Dental Work
Putting off dental work because you’re worried about the cost is never a good idea. If you don’t address a minor dental issue now, it will become a major dental problem later. At Herald Square Dental, we never want your oral health to suffer because of financial concerns. Free Initial Consultations The first step toward […]
Let’s Make (Dental) Flossing All the Rage
If you haven’t seen the TikTok videos of the new dance move called “Flossing,” you’re one of the few. The dance move made waves after a young man demonstrated the dance move, which resembles the motion of flossing your teeth, but using your arms to “floss” on either side of your hips. It’s become incredibly […]
What Happens If You Wait To Replace A Missing Tooth
Did you know that most everyone (in NYC and beyond) loses at least one tooth during their lifetime? And as we age, the chances of tooth loss skyrocket. Whether your tooth loss is due to injury, disease, or decay, the questions are: What’s the best course of action when this happens? What are your New […]